The Kangaroo Valley has a temperate climate, with slightly cooler evening temperatures, and warmer than average daytime temperatures comparative to the rest of Australia. The Kangaroo Valley has four distinct seasons, with no wet season. This makes it a unique region to visit at any time.
Kangaroo Valley weather today
Summer in Kangaroo Valley
Summer is between December and February with a maximum daily temperature average between 25 and 26°C with overnight minimums averaging between 15 and 16°C. We would suggest you bring along sunscreen and a hat! Summer is the perfect time to take advantage of some canoeing in the Kangaroo Valley rivers and streams.
Winter in Kangaroo Valley
Winter is between June and August with a maximum daily temperature average between 16 and 17°C with overnight minimums averaging between 6 and 7°C. Winter days in Kangaroo Valley are moderately chilly but can be quite cold if windy, dropping to around 11.8 °C and 1°C in the evenings. Be prepared and pack your jumper and warm headwear and ensure you are prepared with some local wine perched in front of the log fire!
Spring & Autumn in the Kangaroo Valley
Spring and Autumn are the most temperate of the seasons to visit. The maximum daily temperature averages between 20 and 23°C, with overnight minimums averaging between 8 and 13°C. There are beautiful bush flowers during the spring period, and gorgeous autumn leaves during the Autumn. It’s a great time to visit and enjoy bush walks.
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